Channel Guide




Channel Guide 〰️ 〰️ 〰️

This page has a list of chat bot commands, a streaming schedule, a list of games we’re playing, and the current list of donation incentives. It’s pretty long, so please keep scrolling!

VOD Archive

Click on some cover art to be taken to a YouTube playlist.

Chat Commands


Main Commands

!tipGet a link to tip your streamer
!wishlistGet a link to the Throne wish list
!guidePresumably the command that brought you to this page. Use it to get a link to the channel guide!
!gameGet the name of the current game
!joingameGet instructions on how to join the game, when applicable
!nowplaying(Usually) tells you what song is currently playing. Not always perfectly functional
!overlayLearn more about the overlay I'm using (and maybe even commission your own?)

"Get Link" Commands

!youtubeGet a link to my YouTube channels
!instagramGet a link to my main Instagram account
!discordGet a link to join the discord
!gofundmeA relic from long ago. Used to send you to the fundraiser, currently sends you to the tip page
!patreonGet a link to my Patreon
!tiktokRegrettably, this command will give you a link to my Tik Tok
!twitterGets a link to Twitter
!websiteBrings you to the front page

Channel Moderators & VIP Commands

Miscellaneous Commands

!pianoGives information about the pianists featured on the stream
!cjCorrects people when they misgender Jean Claude. (Used during art streams)
!hornsIf I'm wearing little horns on my forehead, this command will tell you who made them
!streamOld command that links to the channel guide, which you're already looking at
!streamguideOld command that links to the channel guide, which you're already looking at
!commandsOld command that links to the channel guide, which you're already looking at


If I stream, it will be at or around the following times.
(US Central time: Chicago, DFW, etc.)

  • Monday: Anytime

  • Tuesday:

  • Wednesday:

  • Thursday:

  • Friday:

  • Saturday: Anytime

  • Sunday: Anytime


  • The Return of Makeup Streams

  • Art Streams

  • Whatever Else I Want to Do


You can also help us buy new games off of this wish list!

  • Banjo Kazooie

  • Planet Zoo

  • Super Mario 64 (Nintendo DS)

  • TY the Tasmanian Tiger 1, 2 & 3

Streamathon Incentives

( The streamathon is not currently active. )


Individual Donations

$1 — Various sound alerts (see Twitch panels)
$5 — Put a sticker on me
$5 — Summon a cat for your viewing pleasure
$7 — Various other, even worse sound alerts (see Twitch panels)
$10 — Give one of the cats a treat (this one had to get more expensive bc y’all were overfeeding her lol)
$15 — I will attempt to draw your pet during the next art stream
$20 — Rename the stream
$50 — Change my display name on BlueSky / Xitter
$75 — Change my Twitch profile picture for 3 days (restrictions apply)
$100 — Change my Twitch profile picture for a week (again, restrictions apply)

Goals: Total Donation Amount

Cooking Stream No. 1 — Claimed
Swimsuit Photoshoot on a Beach, I Guess — Claimed*
Twitch Chat decides my next hair color — $330
I’ll do a stream w/o speaking English (translation in chat?) — $500
My first 24 hour stream EVER (I may die?) — $750
I’ll literally take almost any thirst trap photos y’all want. I am barely joking. I need to not be starving to death so badly. — $1,000
24 hour stream but I can’t speak English (translation in chat?) — $1,750
Cosplay stream. Please have mercy — $2,000

(More later. Links will be added to claimed rewards as they are broadcast)

* that photoshoot is going to have to wait until the temperature isn’t negative degrees outside in IL. I am not fixing to literally die in a bikini

Game-Specific Incentives

Please come back next time to have another look at this section, as it updates regularly with the addition of new games.

- Currently unavailable.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
- Currently unavailable.

Super Mario Galaxy
- Ban a specific action for 5 minutes $10

The Sims 4
- Nobody EVER came to these streams, so we’re not playing the game any more. If you want me to stream TS4 again, complain here and I’ll consider bringing it back.